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OSINT and Cyberintelligence

Our Contribution

What do we offer?

At Future Space, we have combined the strength of our innovative Open Source Intelligence technology with a highly professional team of intelligence analysts, data scientists and cyberintelligence experts to offer a catalogue of services aimed at meeting the business needs of our customers.
OSINT & Cyber Intelligence
Areas of Specialization

Some of our services

Our services are structured around an intelligence analysis cell. Experts in cyberintelligence and data scientists, together with the most advanced technology, help our clients in different areas of their business and their needs.
Background Check
    • Localizamos la huella digital del candidato para procesos de selección, auditoría interna, promoción, gestión de riesgo de VIPS y en casos de fin de relación laboral.


    • We help in the contrast of the curricular information, alignment of values, fit to the position, detection of links between natural and legal persons, detection of fraud networks, analysis of commercial networks and measurement of honorability (always under the principles of the RGPD).


  • Damos apoyo al personal de seguridad física para detectar situaciones de riesgo en el acceso a infraestructuras críticas o sensibles (siempre bajo los principios del RGPD).
Intake processes
  • From the information on the Internet, we detect potential reputational, operational or competitive risks.

  • We extract the supplier's fingerprint, complementing economic or financial qualification information, with the detection of its digital presence, litigation and information leaks, transactions carried out or related individuals.
Digital brand monitoring
  • Service that supports the knowledge of the impact of the brand and its sectorial positioning, as well as the detection and monitoring of risk situations (improper and fraudulent use).

  • Analysis of the content generated, monitoring of communication channels, key players, measurement of the activity and interaction generated.
Competitive Intelligence
  • From the digital information, we help in the generation of intelligence for better knowledge of our client's environment, study of competition, possible partners or commercial allies, technological knowledge.

  • Analysis of commercial networks, support in tenders in non-native market environments for our client.
Pentesting and Intrusion Testing
  • We design and run the necessary tests to audit your digital assets, from infrastructure, web applications, apps.

  • We evaluate the level of security, detecting the possible existing vulnerabilities and thus be able to offer the necessary recommendations for their mitigation.
Ethical Hacking
  • Our Red Teams are able to design advanced performances, simulating more realistic attacks.

  • We use methodologies and techniques employed by an adversary to test the response of the client's defensive teams.

  • We use social engineering techniques or other ad hoc approaches.

  • The actions can be directed to very specific parts of the organization, including entities and persons of interest.

  • Somos expertos en hacer hacking ético de infraestructuras en la nube.
Data Governance
  • We carry out continuous digital surveillance over time on those risk factors (operational, reputational, risks and corporate image) of your critical suppliers.
Forensic of reputational crises
  • Forensic analysis of possible social engineering and influence actions that seek to negatively impact an organization, through smear campaigns, illicit extraction of sensitive information or manipulation.

  • We detect and analyze botnets that promote fake news and generate online harassment or discredit brands.
  • Analizamos operaciones de desinformación masiva (MDOs) para la detección de campañas de propaganda y desinformación.

  • Detectamos narrativas en el mundo digital que pueden convertirse en amenazas en el mundo físico, como discursos y comunidades de odio.

  • Realizamos targeting de generadores y amplificadores de contenido, redes de bots, cuentas troll y líderes de opinión.
Data Governance
  • Realizamos análisis digitales sectoriales para ayudar a las organizaciones a descubrir ciberamenazas que les pueden afectar.

  • Analizamos todos aquellos factores o situaciones que afectan a una organización desde un punto de vista gerencial o directivo: elementos DAFO y entorno. El objetivo es dar apoyo al cliente en su proceso de toma de decisiones.

  • Apoyamos la internacionalización de empresas analizando el estado del sector en el país donde quiere establecerse (entorno social, estudio de mercado, competidores, clientes y aliados) aplicando técnicas de inteligencia competitiva.
Bet on OSINT and Cyber-intelligence

Tell us what you want to do and we will help you