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Mobile-centric contextual marketing

The mobile device is a direct communication channel with customers that maximises the use of the corporate App as a means of commercial positioning.

One of the strategic lines of commercial areas is how to reduce the spam effect of commercial communications, to increase services and product sales through a proposal that is attractive and of value to customers.



Advantages and Benefits

Benefits of contextual marketing and customer analytics

Through the corporate App it is possible to deploy a complete commercial campaign in a matter of minutes with a high impact and conversion rate.

Use of advanced analytics for business lead generation.

Competitive Intelligence

Maximising the use of micro-moments.

Churn prediction

Quick management and issuance of campaigns.


Corporate App as a central element of the business model.

FS Discovery Platform - Device Information

FS Discovery

FS Discovery transforms the mobile device into business value.

Through integration in the corporate app, information is extracted and analysed to enrich the organisation's CRM or generate marketing campaigns directly from the product's website, with direct and customisable notifications. Always in compliance with the legal framework of privacy in force in each region.

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