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Mobile data enrichment of customer information

One of the basic objectives in order to be able to profile and send personalised campaigns through the organisation's different communication channels to customers is the availability of information on their tastes and preferences. The mobile device is one of the elements that best collects customer information as it can provide georeferencing data, tastes and interests, as well as the device itself. This information allows the enrichment of data in the organisation's CRM and the generation of much more adjusted and monetisable analytics.



Advantages and Benefits

Benefits of mobile device data enrichment

Mobile device information applied to CRM data enrichment and advanced customer profiling for commercial exploitation and monetisation.

Background Check

The mobile device reflects basic customer information and behaviours.


Inexistent or inaccurate CRM data can be corrected.

Intake processes

Generate insights for contextual communication.

Process optimization

It is a fundamental budget for omni-channel strategies.

FS Discovery Platform - Device Information

FS Discovery

FS Discovery transforms the mobile device into business value.

Through integration in the corporate app, information is extracted and analysed to enrich the organisation's CRM or generate marketing campaigns directly from the product's website, with direct and customisable notifications. Always in compliance with the legal framework of privacy in force in each region.

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